I can see there’s supposed to be a side panel in the html source but I can’t find it anywhere with my mouse (Mac Firefox and Chrome)
How do I open the side panel with the paper size?
@hm933, you pointed correctly. Your sight on code is really sharp. Amazing.
Currently, two paper sizes (aspect ratio to be exact) are supported: the square (1:1), and A4 (11.69:8.27). But selection UX has been temporally disabled due to poor readiness for mobile screens. We need more UX design work to make dorigami work equally for any device.
Do you want to bring them back for trying on desktop screens?
| last edited by innanyun Reputation: 2 | Posts: 18 -
How do I open the side panel with the paper size?
A new release (0.18.0) was made:
- added US Letter paper
- restored paper selection UX (via settings button with cog icon(⚙) in workspace)
Happy folding!
| last edited by innanyun Reputation: 2 | Posts: 18